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Friday, February 1, 2008

When I Get Down, Jimmy V Gets Me Back Up ...

Some days, life gets you down. For instance, today I had a terrible day at work.

But, far more devastating than my 'terrible work day" were some real life issues that dear friends faced this week and years ago.

Earlier in the week, I heard the terrible news that my friend and cohort for 25+ years, Bob of Boston & NJ, lost his 37-year old son to an apparent suicide while he was stationed in Pakistan working for the United States of America.

It was devastating news. Unthinkable.

I felt the same way a few years ago when I learned of the loss of the Ebersol family when one of the greatest kids in the world, Teddy, was killed in an airplane crash.

Just how can a parent get through it?

Well, I hope I never ever, ever, ever know.

I can say this.

When I am down, from the normal disappointments of work, I have a few ways to get back up.

First, I always clear my mind when I get home and leave my 'troubles' at the door when I see my wife and two wonderful kids. I remind myself just how lucky I am to have a great family, immediate and extended. By extended, I include a real support group of friends, in-laws and other relatives.

When I see those two little faces, get that hug or unconditional love, I know the true meaning of life.

Secondly, if I am down and on my own in a particular situation (traveling the world), I often flip to a page that I have book-marked on my computer and at - my own my website. It is a page of some great speeches, the best by Jimmy V at the ESPYs.

I watch it a lot.

When I am down, it brings me some inspiration, some spirit, some 'me against the world' attitude that allows me to frame an issue and fight back. Other times, it just makes me think.

Like Jimmy V says, a good day is when you:

1. Laugh
2. Think - find time to think.
3. When you are moved to tears - you cry.

Laugh, think and maybe, cry.

I clicked on Jimmy V when I heard about Bob's son. And yes, I will click on it today, after a terrible day.

Click below:

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