So often we in the world of sports place incredible amounts of importance on the outcome of games. The stakes are so high, in terms of Ws, Ls and the dollar figures heaped upon sports entities, that we forget about the real important things in our lives and the importance of our families.
We travel for ridiculous periods of time, often days, weeks or months at a time. We work ridiculous hours. We place pressure on our co-workers and settle for nothing less than perfection. We live for the thrill of victory and we are appalled by the agony of defeat.
Some time ago, I wrote about things we take for granted. Health being exhibit 1-A.
Family should be on the list, as well. Health and family. Two very, very important things to think about and keys to our lives the pillar of life to treasure.
The Ordway family of Boston will agree. They deserve your thoughts, your support and your prayers.
Those very thoughts, prayers and support will bring the miracle full circle as Mia Grace Ordway begins her road on a wonderful, terrific, happy and healthy life.
May God Bless her and her wonderful Dad.
Read this from today's Herald:
Calling it the most “frightening experience” of his life, sports radio host Glenn Ordway yesterday recalled the harrowing birth - and near death - of his baby daughter, who was brought back to life after her delivery.
Ordway was in the delivery room at Brigham and Women’s Hospital three weeks ago today as his wife, Sarah, was giving birth to their second child. Eveything was going great, Ordway recalled, until the last part of the delivery when something went very wrong. The couple still doesn’t know what happened.
Their baby girl, Mia Grace Ordway, was born without a heartbeat and wasn’t breathing.
Ordway, host of “The Big Show” on WEEI-AM (850), said, “You’re helpless, you can’t do a darn thing and you’re sitting there watching your child be born, no heartbeat, not breathing. There was a lot of panic.
“It was a frightening, frightening night,” Ordway told the Herald last night.
Doctors said his daughter had a brain trauma injury. Two hours after her birth, she was taken to Children’s Hospital, where they used a new procedure, a hydrothermal cooling unit, that dropped her body temperature to 92.3 degrees for three days. She also suffered brain seizures.
Ordway said the technique stops the brain from sending false signals to the rest of the body and limits the damage done to a specific area.
“I think it probably ended up saving a good deal of the quality of her life,” he said.
It’s the same cooling technique used on Buffalo Bills player Kevin Everett, who was paralyzed from the shoulders down during a game last year. Doctors initially said he’d never walk again - but he did.
Ordway said an MRI on his baby five days later found that there was brain damage but it was limited to one specific part of the brain. Over the next eight days, doctors noticed that her brain was doing a “tremendous job” of repairing itself.
“We were fearful the first five days that our child was not going to make it,” Ordway said. Ordway’s wife remained hospitalized because she suffered serious internal injuries during the birth.
Ordway, who has three older children from a previous marriage, returned to the air yesterday and recounted the ordeal to his listeners, who have shown an outpouring of support.
“Going forward, I think there’s a lot of unknowns still. We’re still not sure what our baby is going to face,” Ordway said. “We’re feeling pretty optimistic that we’re going to have a fairly, positive outcome.”
Both mom and baby are now at home. “She’s beautiful,” he said of his daughter. “She’s absolutely gorgeous. Everyday, she seems to be doing more and more.”
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