From time to time, I will be posting a random collection of notes, sort of a ramble. No better way to start than with:
Ramble On, And now's the time, the time is now, to sing my song. I'm goin' 'round the world...
In Baseball, why does the league and the MLB players association allow for benches to clear and players to leave the dug-outs (and bullpens) during the slightest bit of an altercation? Certainly a massive fine (and suspension for second offense in a season) would put a quick end to the ridiculous and potentially dangerous situation where the players all head out as if they were readying for a schoolyard brawl.
The players association should call for the rule change, just to protect their own union members from injury due to a fight. Should they need further reason or evidence, they should get file footage of the Kermit Washington punch of Rudy T and cross reference it with the Jose Offerman incident this past summer.
By the way, it still amazes me that Offerman and his lawyer pleaded 'not guilty' to a court accusing him of socond degree assault even though there were photos of the incident.
And, as stated before, if it were an NBA player depicted in this incident, it would be 'the sky is falling' end of the world.
Lastly, and while I'm at it? Why are baseball players permitted to wear jewelry during games? Necklaces, chains, pearls, sharks teeth, magnetic mojo bracelets, you name it - and its out there. Where are the MDs, athletic trainers, lawyers and people of common sense to protect the players in case of collisions (frequent), plays at the plate (often enough), double-play balls (every game), races to first base (runner vs. covering pitcher (nearly every inning of every game).
Don Fehr and Gene Orza? You are not minding the store. Initiate some rule changes to protect your own players. The people at MLB will never bring it up. fearing it would be a bargaining chip vs. free expression of the players.
Every year for the rest of my life, every time USC plays Notre Dame, I will think of Teddy Ebersol and his family. Drop a donation to Teddy Ebersol's fields in Boston.
There was a typo in the NY Post sports section the other day, but Phil Mushnick overlooked it.
Let me get this straight, Sports Illustrated signed Dan Patrick a day before Rick Reilly announced he would depart SI for ESPN? Pretty even trade, I guess, but can't SI throw-in Steve Rushin to round out the deal and make us all happy?
I hope that Capt. Tony's in Key West, Fla took the Steve Spurrier honorary barstool out of the bar. I was at Capt. Tony's only one time in my life. I asked about the great Shelby Strother, columnist for Florida Today, Denver Post, Detroit News and while the barkeeper was looking for a picture he knew Shelby left behind, I looked down and realized I happened to be sitting in the Shelby Strother honorary barstool. Amazing.
If you want some serious sports writing - get on Amazon.com and find "Saddlebags."
It is a collection of a good selection of Shelby's columns, assembled by his friends and family upon his sudden death in March of 1991.
Now, let's talk about the Breeder's Cup? Okay - next blog.
The NLL season was lost due to the failure to reach a collective bargaining agreement. Seemed that the players honestly thought the league would continue to negotiate even though the hard deadline had passed. Then, someone from the NLL pointed out to the players that the league had already released all the home arena dates in the arenas all over the league.
Said the players upon hearing that news: "Oh?"
By the way - NLL is National Lacrosse League. (Indoor Lacrosse).
Is it me or is the special strike zone graphic on Fox always off by about six inches? In Game 6, there was a pitch right over the plate vs. David Ortiz and the Fox Stike zone claimed it was outside, as the announce team echoed that sentiment. The replay from directly above? Caught the right-middle of the plate, not even a corner. Maybe Fox should invest in the technology used by the USTA at The US Open?
Issue is whether they can get the exact straight angle for the technology to work?
What do Irish jig dancing chimps have to do with an Arby's sub sandwich?
Now, a good commercial with chimps was the Monster.com series with the graph chart.
Lancelot Link would have been proud.
Ohio State vs Penn State next Saturday will be up against Game 3 of the World Series at Coors Field in Colorado.
There will be a one of a kind "Sports Museum of America" as part of the newly developing site near the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. Should be pretty cool. I just think it should be Sports Museum of the World.
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