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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ramble On ... C'mon Now?

Curt Schilling's blog gets 10-times the attention and traffic than that of The Blog @, but at least my blog doesn't provide its readers with the following:

-Stomach cramps

-Hours of laughter from unintentional comedy

-Ridiculousness, although, I obviously enjoy pointing out the absurd

Check out this comment from Curt Schilling's blog on WEEI-Radio which is in response to a question about his interest in the open Senate seat that Senator Ted Kennedy left with his departure from this world:

While my family is obviously the priority, and 38 Studios is a priority, I
do have some interest in the possibility. That being said, to get to there from
where I am today, many many things would have to align themselves for that to
truly happen. I am not going to comment further on the matter since at this
point it would be speculation on top of speculation.
My hope is that whatever
happens, and whomever it happens to, this state makes the decision and chooses
the best person, regardless of sex, race, religion or political affiliation, to
help get this state back to the place it deserves to be.

C'mon now, was this from an intelligent person who is actually contemplating a run for United States Senate or is this from some 16-year old Miss New Hampshire candidate?

Fade to black:

Wink Martindale: "So, Miss New Hampshire, what is your view of the world
and what will you do during your reign as Miss New Hampshire to improve our

Answer: "My hope is that, like, whatever happens, and, like, whomever (wins
this title), the (judges) chose the best person, regardless of sex, race,
religion or political affilation to help this state, like, get back to the place
it deserves to be."

The blog post fueled speculation in the mainstream media and the fairy-la nd of sports talk radio immediately. In fact, it is now registering high on the online search polls. See the type of story resulting from the 38-pitch knuckle-head ball:

Pundits make a pitch to get Schilling into race
By Andrew Ryan and Milton J. Valencia, Globe Staff | September 3, 2009

Add another name to the growing list of politicians and would-be politicians
eyeing a run for Edward M. Kennedy’s Senate seat: former Red Sox ace Curt
Schilling, an athlete nearly as well known for his strong opinions
as his performances, told Brad Puffer of New England Cable News in an interview
yesterday that he has been contacted about a possible Senate run, and has not
ruled it out.
“I’m not going to divulge the discussions, but I’ve been
contacted by people whose opinion I give credence to and listen to,’’ Schilling
said. “And I listened.’’ Asked whether he would run, Schilling said, “As of
today, probably not.’’ But after the interview, in a statement posted on his
blog, Schilling sounded a more positive note. “I do have some interest in the
possibility,’’ he wrote.
“That being said, to get to there from where I am today, many, many things would have to align themselves for that to truly
happen. I am not going to comment further on the matter since at this point it
would be speculation on top of speculation.’’
If Schilling, who founded a gaming and digital media company in 2006 called 38 Studios, were to give it a go, he would presumably run as a Republican - he supported President George W. Bush in the 2004 election and campaigned for Senator John McCain in the 2008 presidential race.
And there would be room in the Senate for another former Major League pitcher: Jim Bunning, a Hall-of-Famer who pitched mostly for Detroit and Philadelphia, is retiring from the Senate next year after two terms.
Schilling is only the latest to float his name as a Kennedy successor.
Others seriously considering running are Attorney General Martha Coakley; US
representatives Michael E. Capuano, Stephen F. Lynch, and Edward J. Markey; and
possibly former US representative Joseph P. Kennedy II.
Potential Republican rivals include former lieutenant governor Kerry Healey; state Senator Scott P. Brown of Wrentham; and former US attorney Michael J. Sullivan.
Tarah Donoghue, a spokeswoman for the state GOP, said the party leadership had not been in contact with Schilling, but added, “We’re thrilled so many Republicans
are considering a run for US Senate. We have a real opportunity here.’’
We all know Schilling could pitch. But can he stump? The World Series hero seems
uncertain.“I don’t have a really good filter,’’ Schilling said in the NECN
interview. “Actually, my first press conference could probably be my last as
someone on the political scene, which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing.’’
Charley Manning, a Republican political strategist and longtime
friend of Mitt Romney, said yesterday that the news of Schilling’s interest in
the seat created a ripple effect among Republicans and in political chatter
throughout the day, indicating the excitement a Schilling candidacy would
“I think it’s the most exciting part of the Senate race so far, whether he might run for the office,’’ Manning said. “I think it’s a time in which people have sort of soured on politics as usual. They are not happy about what’s going on in Washington right now and it’s a perfect time for someone who has been successful in other fields to bring that experience to Washington and really change things.’’But a baseball player?
“Baseball, business, all of the things Curt Schilling has done,’’ Manning said, pointing to the right hander’s start-up digital media company.Manning said Schilling’s founding of the company would be proof of his commitment and investment in Massachusetts, because the former All-Star could have chosen more tropical places to settle. And, he noted, Massachusetts loves a star in a senator: Prior to election,
Kennedy was a national figure, as were US Senator John F. Kerry and the late
Edward W. Brook, the nation’s first black US senator.
“Curt Schilling is already a national figure, well known all around the country, and the idea of him running has to be taken very seriously,’’ Manning said.
“He has to make up his mind if he’d like to take up the challenge, and all of us who know Curt Schilling, who have followed his career, know that he’s someone who likes to take up challenges.’’

Puhleeze? What in the blazes of Barry Goldwater are we being subjected to, here?

Go back to Arizona and watch re-runs of the John McCain vs. Barack Obama debates. Or, go back and watch the 1964 presidential election night result. C'mon Curt? Your political career just started with you stating higher priorities of family (okay, I can live with that) and a frickin' blog (as #2)?

TL Comment: Just like I do when I've handicapped a horse-race and failed miserably in predicting the outcome. Turn the page of the program, hard. And, what is next?


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